
news/2024/7/17 11:36:22
2006年11月18日,Jookster 的这次新变动用户体验相当完美,他们的口号是"
Find and Share videos, photos and people from YouTube, Myspace and more!"!


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From: Jookster Notification
Date: 2006-11-18 上午8:40
Subject: Jookster Launches User Generated Search!

Jookster Launches User Generated Search!

Our team has been working very hard to bring you a new version of Jookster.  We have revamped Jookster to becoming the first of its kind search engine for discovering and sharing user generated videos, photos and bookmarks!  We have crawled many of your favorite sites such as Myspace, Youtube, Flickr,, and Grouper to give you access to the best user generated content from a single site.  We crawled the web in a special way that maintains the relationship between the person who uploaded the content and the content which enables you to:
  • Easily discover additional content from the person who uploaded your favorite videos, photos or bookmarks.
  • Subscribe to receive future notification when that person uploads new content.
  • Use Jookster to search for people on sites like Myspace, YouTube and Grouper who have uploaded cool content.
Jookster has also included these additional cool features with this release:
  • Ability to share content to members of your network with a single click
  • Ability to Jook and share content from the search results ? no downloads required
  • Shared content shows up in the comments section of your user profiles so that you or others can comment
  • Highly customizable user profiles which enable users to embed any Flash or HTML based widget
  • Ability to look at the content creator's profile with a single click
  • Ability to Digg and content directly from the search results
This version no longer supports the Jookster Toolbar as you can Jook and Share content from the search results page.  If you want to Jook or Share content that is not on a Jookster search results then simply use the Jook or Share links button to do so.Please check it out and let us know what you think.

Team Jookster



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